Wesoft was selected as a “Family-Friendly Employer” in the Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme 2015/16 by Family Council on 25 October 2016. It is aims to recognizes employers who attach importance to the family-friendly spirit.
And we also was awarded the “Award for Breastfeeding Support”, this is to commend employers that provide suitable facilities in the workplace to support employees who are breastfeeding.
Wesoft will keep continue to aware of family core value, and create a coordinated and harmonious working environment for our employees.
同時,我們也被授予“支持母乳餵哺獎” 。這是讚揚僱主在工作場所提供合適的設施,以支持母乳餵哺的僱員。Wesoft 會繼續關注家庭核心價值,並為我們的員工提供一個協調及和諧的工作環境。