
Be your own movie director, earn VCoin and get prizes!

The newly released Chinese New Year theme Festimovie added a new function which let users to earn VCoin by sharing video to facebook! User can first download the VCoin app and register as member, login Vcoin in Festimovie, and you can earn a VCoin right after you share your movie on facebook.

User can check the earned VCoin, redemption record and redeemed e-coupons. After redeemed as instructed, users can collect their prizes in redemption centre.

Prizes available are updated daily!


全新Festimovie 加入賺VCoin功能,用戶可先下載VCoin app並簡單登記成為會員,於Festimovie 內以VCoin會員資料登入,完成短片後分享到facebook,即可立即賺取1VCoin

完成後,可於VCoin app 內查看已賺取的VCoin 數量,換領禮品紀錄及已換領的電子禮券。用戶依指示選擇禮品後,即可於指定換領中心出示電子禮券領取禮品。
