New Festimovie is released !
Be your own movie director, earn VCoin and get prizes!
WeSoft Christmas Party 2014 photo album
in Hong Kong Headquarters Recreation Room
Exhibiting in The 16th China Hi-Tech Fair
Hong Kong Software Pavilion !
Festifoto 萬勝節節日大賞,送香港海洋公園哈囉喂門票!
立即於App Store 下載 Festifoto App !
September & October 2014 Birthday Party
......with new PS4 !!!
Po Leung Kuk Flag Selling Day
on 20 August 2014.
WeSoft joined TechCrunch Beijing 2014 during 11-12 August
and co-exhibited with Hong Kong Science Park.
WeSoft Grand Opening Ceremony
was accomplished successfully on 29 July 2014 at headquarters of We Software Limited, Hong Kong Science Park.