Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2021 (3-6 Nov)
Showcase our Smart Health box (侍親康) and smart health solutions in Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2021 from 3 Nov to 6 Nov!
Showcase our Smart Health box (侍親康) and smart health solutions in Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2021 from 3 Nov to 6 Nov!
日期: 2019年9月11日 地點: 保良局劉漢宣紀念長幼天地 探訪內容 : 傳授健康知識 , 為長者作簡單健康檢查 (量血壓、血糖、血氧、體溫、體重) 及派發紀念品
於2020年再次參加賽馬會齡活城市 –「全城.長者友善」計劃, 積極推行長者及年齡友善措施, 提供針對長者需要的產品和服務
2019年11月21日至11月24日,在樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會(GIES)上展示我們的健康亭和智慧健康解決方案! 地點:香港會議展覽中心1A-C廳 展位號:Hall 1B,C02,#11
在 "AiTLE + PLKWCH: [電子學習、WiFi、BYOD、stem、創新 & AI 解決方案展示]" 中展示我們的健康站 日期: 2019年6月8日 (星期六) 時間: 0930-1300 地點: 保良局王賜豪 (田心谷)小學
WeSoft has joined the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme and thereby undertakes to actively adopt age-friendly practices.
We Software Limited has been successfully registered as a Member of Cybersec Infohub. Cybersec Infohub is a partnership programme that enables online relationships and connections among all participants for sharing cyber security information. Cybersec Infohub is formed by HKSAR Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) to enhance the exchange of cyber security [...]
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